East Anglia Books


040643 - THE JAGGED EDGE OF DUTY: A Fighter Pilot's World War II

By Robert Richardson

Knepper's story is the story-in-microcosm of thousands of American fighter pilots in World War II.

On the very first day of the invasion of Sicily, three months into his combat career, Allan Knepper flew his P-38 Lightning fighter in a squadron sent out to sweep the island and interdict German ground targets. Retreating German infantry unexpectedly pounded the American flyers. Knepper was one of two shot down; he was never found. Knepper’s story is the story-in-microcosm of thousands of American fighter pilots in World War II. Richardson recounts Knepper’s experiences from training through combat and uses them to discuss the aircraft, tactics and doctrine, training, base life, and aerial combat of the war. This is the intimate account of one pilot at war, but also the anatomy of the fighter-pilot experience in World War II.


Format Softback (Hardback edition is available)
Pages 409pp
Publication Date Softback Available
Pictures Details to follow
Width (mm) 162
Height (mm) 234
Dust Jacket No
ISBN 978-0-8117-3960-3

£16.95 Softback

£22.95 Hardback

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